Simon Bush

pictureSimonActivities for MARE:Chief Associate Editor, MAST

Current Position: Assistant Professor, Environmental Policy Group, Wageningen University

Relevant research projects: BESTTuna (, RESCOPAR (, AqUASEM (,

Relevant publications:

Ha, T.T.T., S.R. Bush, A.P.J. Mol and H. van Dijk (Forthcoming) Organic coasts?: Exploring the social dynamics of Naturland shrimp certification in Vietnam. The Journal of Rural Studies xx(xx): xx-xx

Kusumawati, R., S.R. Bush and L. Visser (Forthcoming) Can patrons be by-passed? Frictions between local and global regulatory networks over shrimp aquaculture in East Kalimantan. Society and Natural Resources xx(xx): xx-xx

Bush, S.R., P.H. Toonen, P. Oosterveer and A.P.J. Mol (2012) The ‘Devils Triangle’ of MSC certification: balancing credibility, accessibility and continuous improvement.Marine Policy

Bottema, M. and S.R. Bush (2012) The durability of private sector-led marine conservation: A case study of two entrepreneurial marine protected areas in Indonesia. Ocean and Coastal Management, 61: 38-48.

Little, D.C., S.R. Bush, B. Belton, N.T. Phuong , J.A. Young and F. Murray (2012) Whitefish Wars: Pangasius, politics and consumer confusion in Europe. Marine Policy, 36(3): 738–745.

Bush, S.R. and M. Duijf (2011) Searching for (un)sustainability in Pangasius aquaculture: A political economy of quality in European retail. Geoforum 42: 185-196.

De Vos, B. and S.R. Bush (2011) Far more than market-based: questioning the impact of the Dutch Viswijzer (Good Fish Guide) on fisheries governance. Sociologia Ruralis 51(3): 284-303.

Ha, T.T.T, and S.R. Bush (2010) Transformations in Vietnamese shrimp aquaculture policy: Evidence from the Mekong Delta. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 28: 1101-1119.

Bush, S.R. (2010) Governing ‘spaces of interaction’ in local and global fish trade. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 101(3): 305-319.

Bush, S.R., Van Zwieten, P.A.M., Visser, L., Van Dijk, H., Bosma, R.H., De Boer, F. & Verdegem, M. (2010) Scenarios for resilient shrimp aquaculture in tropical coastal areas. Ecology and Society 15(2): 15 [online] URL:


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