Who we are

MARE was established in 2000 by the University of Amsterdam and SISWO (Netherland’s Institute for Social Science Research). MARE now has six institutional partners, located in five countries of Europe:

The MARE staff consists of social scientists involved with topics of coast and sea, who contribute to one or more of MARE’s products (Conference, Journal MAST, Publication series). Most of them are linked to the MARE’s institutional partners, but people from other organisations and from other countries are active in MARE as well.

MARE ‘s Executive Committee

Prof. Dr. Maarten Bavinck

Department of Geography, Planning and International Development Studies, University of Amsterdam / Fisheries College, University of Tromsø - MARE Co-director

Dr. Marloes Kraan

Researcher at Environmental Policy Group, Wageningen University & Wageningen Marine Research, IJmuiden

MARE ‘s Board

Prof. Dr. Jahn Petter Johnson

Professor Norwegian College of Fishery Science, UiT-the Arctic University of Norway

Prof. Dr. Achim Schlüter

Centre for Tropical Marine Research Bremen, work group leader of institutional and behavioural economics

Dr. Per Knutsson

Senior lecturer in environmental social sciences at the School of Global Studies, University of Gothenburg

Prof. Dr. Kristen Ounanian

Associate Professor, Department of Sustainability and Planning, Aalborg University, Denmark

Dr. Joeri Scholtens

Research fellow, University of Amsterdam (MAST Managing Editor)

Prof. Dr. Joyeeta Gupta

Professor of Environment and Development in the Global South – Governance and Inclusive Development, University of Amsterdam – MARE Chair

Dr. Luc van Hoof

Manager European Research Development Wageningen Marine Research, Executive Secretary EFARO, Senior Researcher Marine Governance Wageningen Marine Research

MAST Associate Editors

Dr. Maaike Knol

Researcher, The Norwegian College of Fishery Science, The Arctic University of Norway

Prof. Merle Sowman

Evironmental and Geographical Sciences, University of Cape Town, South Africa

Dr. Benjamin Blount

Socio Ecological Informatics, USA

Dr. Sebastian Linke

Associate Professor at School of Global Studies, University of Gothenburg

Silke Hoppe

PhD candidate at University of Amsterdam, Centre for Social Science and Global Health (MAST Editorial Team Coordinator)

Dr. Nireka Weeratunge

Research Fellow, International Centre for Ethnic Studies (ICES), Colombo

Prof. Dr. Natasha Stacey

Professor, Faculty of Science and Technology, Environment, Charles Darwin University

Dr. Micaela Trimble

Research Fellow, South American Institute for Resilience and Sustainability Studies (SARAS)

Dr. Hilde Toonen

Assistant Professor, Environmental Policy Group, Wageningen University

Prof. Dr. Alyne Delaney

Associate Professor, Center for Northeast Asian Studies, Tohoku University

Dr. Sarah Coulthard

Senior lecturer in marine social science, Newcastle University

Prof. Dr. Svein Jentoft

Norwegian Fisheries College, University of Tromsø, Norway (MAST Editor-in-Chief)

Dr. Derek Johnson

Department of Anthropology, University of Manitoba, Canada

Prof. Dr. Ajit Menon

Madras Institute of Development Studies, Chennai, India

Prof. Dr. Kevin St. Martin

Professor, Department of Geography, Rutgers University. Professor II, Faculty of Biosciences, Fisheries and Economics, Universitetet I Tromsø, Norway.

Prof. dr. ir. Jan van Tatenhove

Professor Marine and Delta Governance at Wageningen University & Research