Activities for MARE: MARE conference committee member andeditorial board member Maritime Studies (MAST)
Current Position: Senior lecturer in International Development, Northumbria University, UK
Relevant research projects:
2011– 2015 {Co-Investigator}: Re-incorporating the excluded: Providing space for small-scale fishers in the sustainable development of fisheries of South Africa and South Asia. Dutch NWO-WOTRO CoCoon programme [Conflict and Cooperation over Natural Resources in Developing Countries]. Led by MARE at University of Amsterdam [€ 619,400]
2011– 2014 {Principal Investigator} Developing a social wellbeing approach for sustainable fisheries in South Asia (Well-Fish). ESRC First Grants Scheme [£205,000]
Relevant publications:
Britton, E. and Coulthard, S. (In press) Assessing the social wellbeing of Northern Ireland’s fishing society using a three-dimensional approach. Marine Policy.
Coulthard, S. (2012) ‘What does the debate around social wellbeing have to offer sustainable fisheries?’ Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 4 (3), pp. 358-363.
Coulthard, S. (2012) ‘Can we be both resilient and well, and what choices do people have – incorporating agency into the resilience debate from a fisheries perspective’. Ecology and Society, 17 (1): pp. 4.
Coulthard, S., Johnson, D. and McGregor, J.A. (2011) ‘Poverty, sustainability and human wellbeing:a social wellbeing approach to the global fisheries crisis’. Global Environmental Change 21 (2), pp. 453–463.
Coulthard, S. (2011) ‘More than just access to fish: the pros and cons of fisher participation in a customary marine tenure (Padu) system under pressure’. Marine Policy 35 (3), pp.405-412.
Thorpe, A., Bavinck, J.M., and Coulthard, S. (2011) ‘Tracking the debate around Marine Protected Areas: key issues and the BEG framework’. Environmental Management, 47 (4), pp. 546-63.
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