Activities for MARE: Board member
Current Position: European Research Development IMARES; Centre for Marine Policy Manager Business Development; Assistant Professor Environmental Policy Group WUR
Relevant research projects:
• Integration of European Research Projects in search for the development of an integrated decision framework for Marine Spatial Planning (Zee op Zicht, CMP, ELI, 2011/2014).
• Operationalizing the Ecosystem approach in Dutch marine management (CMP, ELI 2010/2011)
• Development of an Evaluation Framework for Marine Spatial Planning (MESMA, IMARES, 2009/2014) EU FP7 project
• Development of the future research agenda in Fisheries and Aquaculture for the European Union (2007/2009): EU FP6 project
• Operationalization of the Ecosystem Approach in Europe in EU funded projects such as: MEECE (Marine Ecosystem Evolution in a Changing Environment; 2008-2012); MEFEPO (Making the European Fisheries Ecosystem Plan Operational; 2009-2013, ODEMM (Options for Delivering Ecosystem-Based Marine Management; 2010-2014).
Relevant publications:
Aanesen, M., Armstrong, C. W., and van Hoof, L. 2012. The changing environment of fisheries policy in Europe. Marine Policy, 36: 1172-1177.
van Leeuwen, J., L. van Hoof and J. van Tatenhove (2012) Institutional ambiguity in implementing the European Union Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Marine Policy 36 (3), pp. 636-643
van Hoof, L. (2010), Who rules the waves? Governance and New Institutional Arrangements in Dutch Fisheries Management in the Context of the European Common Fisheries Policy, Ph.D. Thesis, Wageningen University, Wageningen
van Hoof, L. (2009) Co-management: an alternative to enforcement? ICES Journal of Marine Science, 67
van Hoof, L. and J. van Tatenhove (2009) EU marine policy on the move: The tension between fisheries and maritime policy. Marine Policy. 33: p. 726-732.
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