Jan P.M. van Tatenhove


Activities for MARE: co-director of Mare and associate editor of MAST

Current Position: Professor of Marine Governance at Wageningen University

Relevant research projects):

• Project leader of the NWO-program: “Engaging Science in Dynamic decision Making for the Wadden Sea” (financed by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific research (NWO), consisting of two PhD-projects together with DELTARES, IMARES and the University of Twente.

• WU project coordinator of the EU FP7 ODEMM project (Options for Delivering Ecosystem-Based Marine Management).

• Involved in the EU FP7 GAP2-project (Bridging the gap between science, stakeholders and policy makers in fisheries management).

• Project leader Governance 4.1 and 5.1 project (two PhD projects) of Building with nature/Ecoshape: Understanding Eco-dynamic designing in different governance settings.

Relevant publications:

Van Leeuwen, Judith, Luc van Hoof and Jan van Tatenhove (2012), ‘Institutional ambiguity in implementing the European Union Marine Strategy Framework Directive, in: Marine Policy, 36(3), pp. 636-643.

Van Tatenhove, Jan (2011), The Tide is Turning: The rise of legitimate EU Marine Governance. Inaugural lecture, Wageningen 27 October 2011)

Jan van Tatenhove (2011) Integrated Marine Governance: Questions of legitimacy. MAST 10 (1), pp 87-113

Birgit de Vos and Jan van Tatenhove, “Trust Relationships between Fishers and Government; New Challenges for the Co-Management Arrangements in the Dutch flatfish industry”, Marine Policy 35 (2), pp. 218-225

Judith van Leeuwen and Jan P.M. van Tatenhove (2010), The Triangle of Marine Governance in the Environmental Governance of Dutch Offshore Platforms Marine Policy 34 (3) pp. 590 – 597. (Doi: 10.1016/j.marpol.2009.11.006)

Link to personal website: http://www.enp.wur.nl/UK/Staff/Jan+van+Tatenhove/