Activities for MARE: Editorial Board of MAST, organization committee of MARE Conference
Current Position: Assistant Professor CEDLA
Relevant research projects: Formal and informal practices of natural resource use and management in the Amazonian floodplain. Environmental governance of Southern coast in Brazil
Relevant publications:
Castro, F. in press. Multi-scale environmental citizenship: Traditional populations and protected areas in Brazil. In A. Latta and H. Wittman. Environment and Citizenship in Latin America: Sites of Struggle, Points of Departure. CLAS, London: Bergham.
Castro, F. and McGrath, D. 2011. Reintroducing the commons: Implementation of Agro-extractive settlements in the Lower Amazon floodplain. Library of Best Practices promoting policies of social inclusion.
Castro, F. 2011. Management and Conservation of Aquatic Resources: fish and wildlife. In M. Pinedo-Vasquez, M.L. Ruffino, R.R. Sears, E.S. Brondizio and C. Padoch (Eds). The Amazonian Várzea: the decade past and the decade ahead. Springer; pp: 101-6.
Baud, M., Castro, F. and Hogenboom, B. 2011. Environmental governance in Latin America: Towards an integrative research agenda. ERLACS 90:79-88.
Castro, F. 2009. Patterns of resource use by caboclo communities in the Middle-Lower Amazon (pp. 157-77). In: C. Adams, W. Neves, R. Murrieta, M. Harris (eds.) Amazonian Peasant Societies: Modernity and Invisibility. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 157-180.
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