General Information

Maritime Studies (MAST) is an international journal devoted to maritime issues, produced by the Centre for Maritime Research (MARE) in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. It is a sequel to Maritime Anthropological Studies, which appeared between 1988 and 1993. MAST has a social science focus, but functions as a platform for scholars from a broad range of disciplines who are engaged in research on maritime and coastal matters, from an academic or applied point of view. MAST was launched on December 4, 2002 and is published twice per year.


Maritime Studies now publishes open access with Springer.

Click here to go to our new website and access all recent articles for free.

Click here to find an overview of the MAST-issues and their contents (Vol 1-10).

“MAST is not simply a well edited journal that produces interesting articles. MAST fulfils a need that is not met by any other publication. Marine social scientists do not have any other outlet that is specifically ours. It is possible to read articles written by social scientists in marine policy journals. It is possible to read discussions of coastal communities and marine resources in general social science journals. It is even possible, once in a while, to read marine social science in some fisheries science journals. But only in MAST are marine social scientists in their own home, rather than being guests in someone else’s.”
(Douglas Clyde Wilson, PhD, Research Director of the Institute for Fisheries Management and Coastal Community Development)