Special Issue: Marine Turtles as Flagship (309pp)
Volume 3 (2) and Volume 4 (1) is a double issue of which Jack Frazier (of the Smithsonian Institution) has been the guest editor. The issue deals with how marine turtles are employed as flagships and of their effectiveness in that role.
Marine Turtles: The Role of Flagship Species in Interactions Between People and the Sea
Jack Frazier (5-38)
Projeto tamar-ibama: Twenty-five Years Protecting Brazilian Sea Turtles Through a Community-Based Conservation Programme
Maria Ângela Marcovaldi, Victor Patiri, and João Carlos Thomé (39-62)
Sea Turtles in Uruguay: Where Will They Lead Us…?
Martín Laporta and Philip Miller (63-87)
Saving Sea Turtles from the Ground Up: Awakening Sea Turtle Conservation in Northwestern Mexico
Stephen Delgado and Wallace J. Nichols (89-104)
The Need for Altruism: Engendering a Stewardship Ethic Amongst Fishers for the Conservation of Sea Turtles in Canada
Kathleen Martin and Michael C. James (105-118)
Sea Turtles as Flagships for Protection of the Wider Caribbean Region
Karen L. Eckert and Arlo H. Hemphill (119-143)
Does Tourism Contribute To Sea Turtle Conservation?Is the Flagship Status of Turtles Advantageous?
Clement Allan Tisdell and Clevo Wilson (145-167)
Volunteering for Sea Turtles? Characteristics and Motives of Volunteers Working with the Caribbean Conservation Corporation in Tortuguero, Costa Rica
Lisa M. Campbell and Christina Smith (169-193)
Sea Turtles As a Flagship Species: Different Perspectives Create Conflicts in the Pacific Islands
Irene Kinan and Paul Dalzell (195-212)
Sailing the Flagship Fantastic: Different Approaches to Sea Turtle Conservation in India
Kartik Shanker and Roshni Kutty (213-240)
Marine Policy Development: The Impact of a Flagship Species
Sali Jayne Bache (241-271)
Flagging the Flagship: Valuing Experiences from Ancient Depths
Jack Frazier (273-303)
Book Review: Entanglements. The Interwined Fates of Whales and Fishermen.
Johnson, T. (2005)
Book review by Rob van Ginkel (305-307)