MAST 2002, Volume 1, No.1



Maritime Studies (MAST): An Editorial Reintroduction
Rob van Ginkel and Jojada Verrips (5-7)


People and the Sea: A ‘Tropical-Majority’ World Perspective
John Kurien (9-26)


International Partnerships for Sustainable Futures for the People and the Sea – From Knowledge to Action. A Comment on John Kurien’s Essay
Cornelia E. Nauen (27-30)

Better Yet, A Global Perspective? Reflections and Commentary on John Kurien’s Essay

James R. McGoodwin (31-41)


Ghanaian Canoe Decorations

Jojada Verrips (43-66)


Piracy in Southeast Asia. A Historical Comparison

Ger Teitler (67-83)


The Ethnography of Local Tourism. Connections Between Fishery and Tourism in Izola
Nataša Rogelja (85-102)


Fishy Comparisons or Valid Comparisons? Reflections on a Comparative Approach to the Current Global Fisheries Malaise, With Reference to Indian and Canadian Cases
Derek Johnson (103-121)


Book Review: Sustainable Fishery Systems

Maarten Bavinck (123-125)


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