Kenneth Ruddle (1-37)
Anita Kendrick (38-58)
La Iniciativa Privada in the Maxican Shrimp Industry: Politics of Efficiency
Marcela Vásquez León & Thomas R. McGuire (59-73)
Chaos of the Commons: Salmon and Such
Neal Gilbertsen (74-91)
Ade S. Olomola (92-109)
Wives and Traders: Women’s Careers in Ghanaian Canoe Fisheries
Ragnhild Overå (110-135)
Social Mobilization in Kerala: Fishers, Priests, Unions, and Political Parties
Jóna Hálfdánardóttir (136-156)
All That Holds Us Together: Kinship and Resource Pooling in a Fishing Co-operative
Charles R. Menzies (157-179)
A Fisherman’s Autobiography: To the Shetlands with ‘Nanny’ in 1937
Reginald Byron (180-204)
Hurricane Andrew and South Florida’s Commercial Fishing People: Impacts and Immediate Needs
James R. McGoodwin & Christopher L. Dyer (205-219)
Book Reviews (220-235)
Books Received (236)