
FishGovNet The Fisheries Governance Network

Thematic Networks

The current global crisis in fisheries and the advantages and disadvantages of aquaculture are of grave concern to everyone: policymakers, administrators, scientists, fishers and other stakeholders. The main concerns are ecosystem health, livelihoods and employment, social justice, food security and food safety. There is urgent need for a new approach to address these concerns, and current governance practices need to be strengthened to make a practical and lasting difference.

As a response to this situation, the Fisheries Governance Network came into being in 2001 when the European Commission invited some twenty specialists in different aspects of fisheries and aquaculture to meet and discuss the concept of fisheries governance. The specialists were from Europe, Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean and South Pacific. Their insights and ideas were developed over a series of meetings, hosted by the Centre for Maritime Research (MARE) in Amsterdam, and have been encapsulated in an academic volume entitled Fish for life: interactive governance for fisheries and in a shorter workbook called Interactive fisheries governance: a guide to better practice.

More information about these volumes can be found on our publications page.

