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Maritime PublicationsMARE Publication SeriesThe editors of the MARE Pubication Series are striving to create a series that addresses topics of contemporary relevance in the wide field of people and the sea. Their intention is to ensure the highest academic standards, through the involvement of specialists in the field and through the instrument of peer review. While allowing for diversity, they also, however, aim for coherence, if only in purpose. Social scientists in the marine and coastal fields are a dispersed bunch. This is certainly true of those in Europe and the South. Their interaction is impeded not only by their geographical spread across departments and universities, but also by language barriers. The series thus aims to make visible, in the language with the greatest global reach, the excellent intellectual work that is being done by scholars on and from the various regions. Their concern is to ensure that scholarly work on coastal issues is disseminated widely, including to lowincome countries, so they aim to keep the price of their publications as low as possible.Coastal zones over the world over are facing a range of challenges, and the scholarly debate is currently tending to concentrate on the concerns of management and governance. While these topics will also figure in this series, the editors have no intention of producing policy handbooks. Their objective is rather to reflect critically – on contemporary fashions, too – and to explore new avenues of thought. The publication of the series is in the competent hands of the Amsterdam University Press. The editors are: Svein Jentoft (University of Tromsø, Norway; sveinje @ nfh.uit.no) and Maarten Bavinck (University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands; mbavinck @ marecentre.nl). To order a book from MARE's Publication series go to www.aup.nl/mare OUT NOW: Coastal Profs: A teaching manual.
The Coastal Profs project was an initiative of four universities in India, Vietnam, The Netherlands and Portugal with the goal to develop curricula to support Masters-level courses on Integrated Coastal Zone Management. The result of this project is a teaching manual on Integrated Coastal Management. For more information concerning the manual, visit the Coastal Profs webpage. The manual is now available online . For questions, contact the project coordinator Maarten Bavinck.
MARE Publication Series Volume III Fish for Life:Interactive Governace for Fisheries
Jan Kooiman, Maarten Bavinck, Svein Jentoft and Roger Pullin (eds.)
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‘Fish for Life’ presents an interdisciplinary and intersectoral approach to the governance of capture fisheries and aquaculture, with special reference to the circumstances of developing countries. Holistic in scope, and building on state-of-the-art understandings of the field, the authors argue for an interactive style of governance that takes account of the diversity, complexity, dynamics, and scales affecting marine ecology as well as human society. Food security is one of the core concerns addresses. Governance, the authors argue, is the joint responsibility of governments, civil society, and market.
Click HERE for a review of this book in FISHERIES RESEARCH Click HERE for a review of this book in DEVELOPMENT AND CHANGE Click HERE for a review of this book in OCEAN & COASTAL MANAGEMENT Click HERE for a review of this book in FISHES AND FISHERIES Click HERE for a review of this book in POLITISCHE VIERTELJAHRESSCHRIFT (German)
Interactive Governace for FisheriesA Guide to Better Practice
M. Bavinck, R. Chuenpagdee, M. Diallo, P. van der Heijden, J. Kooiman, R. Mahon and S. Williams
Together with the scientific publication 'Fish for Life', a more practical guide 'Interactive Governance for Fisheries - a Guide to Better Practice' was written, which can be ordered from Eboron Academic Publishers. This guide presents a new and creative approach to the governance of fisheries and aquaculture in the world. Called interactive governance, this approach addresses the diversity, complexity and dynamics of fisheries and aquaculture systems through an inclusive, holistic and adaptive framework that is principle-based, with an emphasis on partnership and learning. The guide suggests that all governance systems stand to benefit from the change in perspective that is proposed in this volume. To order this practical guide go to www.eburon.nl (category nature and environment - fishery)
MARE Publication Series Volume IIContesting the Foreshore:Tourism, Society, and Politics on the Coast
Jeremy Boissevain and Tom Selwyn (Eds.)
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On the 28th of September the second book of the MARE Publication series was presented to Professor Ton Dietz, of the Dutch Research School CERES. This collection of essays is about tourism and social, political, and economic relations in coastal locations in various parts of the world. The starting point of each chapter is the ethnographic study of one particular place. However, the authors are also concerned with the wider regional, national, and global focus which shape and influence the local economics and societies under review. Although most of the essays focus on European coastline, the book is intended to have implications for other geographical areas. In most parts of the world, coastal settlements and contexts are changing rapidly and markedly. These contexts are routinely characterized by conflict between different interest groups contesting the ownership and control of the foreshore and its resources. One of the treads running through the volume is that coastal regions are often sites of fishing and related 'traditional' activities. The chapters discuss the relationships between traditional stakeholders, such as fishermen and local residents, and new stakeholders including new residents, second-home owners, tourists and tourism property developers, and fish farm managers as they vie for status, influence, and ultimately for space on the foreshore. The underlying preoccupation of the volume as a whole is the extent of penetration and transformation resulting from the onward march of capitalism and the market system in the coastal locations studied. Jeremy Boissevain is Emeritus Professor of Social Anthropology at the University of Amsterdam. Tom Selwyn is Professor of Anthropology at London Metroplolitan University.
MARE Publication Series Volume IChallenging Coasts: Transdisciplinary Excursions into Integrated Coastal Zone Development
Leontine E. Visser (Ed.)
Click here to view this book online.
The MARE Publication Series was inaugurated on March 24th, 2004. During a festive gathering, the first book, entitled Challenging Coasts, Transdisciplinary Excursions into Integrated Coastal Zone Development (editor Leontine Visser) was presented to the dean of the University of Amsterdam Coastal zones are boundary areas, places where environments, cultures, and economic sectors encounter each other, conflict, and interchange. From a wide variety of disciplinary starting points, the contributions to this volume engage with boundary issues of key importance for the coastal zone. They are united in this effort by two guiding themes. First, they recognise that the problems of the coastal zone are together best seen as a development challenge rather than as a management challenge. Second, the challenge of the coasts requires a transdisciplinary response from the social and natural sciences. The contributions to Challenging Coasts address these themes through a diverse range of topics in a variety of coastal settings. Papers examine case studies in the South Pacific, Southeast Asia, West Africa, Europe, and Latin America. Subjects of focus include coastal zone development, biodiversity protection, marine park management, the threat of political-economic change to livelihoods, multiple-use conflicts, and the legal-institutional challenges of habitat protection. The volume as a whole is tied together in a first paper on boundaries and transdisciplinarity in coastal zone development. Challenging Coasts will be an importance resource for students, researchers, teachers, and policy makers working on issues related to coasts and coastal zone development. is Professor of Sociology/Anthropology of Development at Wageningen University.
Click HERE for a review of this book in ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & POLICY. Click HERE for a review of this book in OCEAN & COASTAL MANAGEMENT. Click HERE for a review of this book in DEVELOPMENT
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