Fish for Life: Interactive Governance for Fisheries
Jan Kooiman, Maarten Bavinck, Svein Jentoft and Roger Pullin (eds.)
‘Fish for Life’ presents an interdisciplinary and intersectoral approach to the governance of capture fisheries and aquaculture, with special reference to the circumstances of developing countries. Holistic in scope, and building on state-of-the-art understandings of the field, the authors argue for an interactive style of governance that takes account of the diversity, complexity, dynamics, and scales affecting marine ecology as well as human society. Governance, the authors argue, is the joint responsibility of governments, civil society, and market.
Fish for Life is part of the MARE Publication Series which publication is in the hands of the Amsterdam University Press.
Interactive fisheries governance: A guide to better practice
Maarten Bavinck, Ratana Chuenpagdee, Mamadou Diallo, Peter van der Heijden, Jan Kooiman, Robin Mahon and Stella Williams
This guide presents a new and creative approach to the governance of fisheries and aquaculture in the world. Called interactive governance, this approach addresses the diversity, complexity and dynamics of fisheries and aquaculture systems through an inclusive, holistic and adaptive framework that is principle-based, with an emphasis on partnership and learning. The guide suggests that all governance systems stand to benefit from the change in perspective that is proposed in this volume.
The practitioner’s guide is meant for policy makers, scientists, and other stakeholders in the fields of fisheries and aquaculture. The guide is the outcome of a three-year collective exchange of ideas that arose out of concern with the way in which fisheries governance is commonly conceived and practised. The enhancement it proposes is interactive governance, which is based on the idea that the challenges in fisheries can be addressed only if the participants work and learn together. The contributors to this practitioner’s guide are part of the network FISHGOVNET, which includes natural and social scientists from different parts of the globe. Interactive fisheries governance is published by Eburon Academic Publishers, Delft, The Netherlands; 2005.
Bavinck M. et al. (2005) Interactive fisheries governance: a guide to better practice. Eburon Academic Publishers, Delft
Bavinck M. et al. (2005) Gouvernance interactive des pêches: Un guide pour une meilleure pratique. Eburon Academic Publishers, Delft
Kooiman J., Bavinck M, Jentoft S. and Pullin R. (Eds.) (2005) Fish for Life: Interactive Governance for Fisheries. Amsterdam University Press.
Kooiman J. (2003) Governing as governance. Sage Publications: London.
Articles (peer reviewed)
Bavinck M. and V. Salagrama (2008) Assessing the governability of capture fisheries in the Bay of Bengal. The Journal of Transdisciplinary Environmental Studies. Vol. 7 no. 1.
Chuenpagdee, R. and Jentoft, S. (2007) Step-zero for fisheries co-management: what precedes implementation. Marine Policy 31, 657-668.
Chuenpagdee R. et al. (2008) Assessing Governability in Capture fisheries, Aquaculture and Coastal Zones. The Journal of Transdisciplinary Environmental Studies. Vol. 7 no. 1.
Chuenpagdee R. and S. Jentoft (2009) Governability Assessment for Fisheries and Coastal systems: a Reality Check. Human Ecology Vol 37: 109-120.
Fanning L. et al. (2007) A large marine ecosystem governance framework. Marine policy Vol. 31 434-443.
Jentoft S. (2007) Limits of Governability: Institutional implications for fisheries and coastal governance. Marine Policy 31: 360-370.
Jentoft, S. and Chuenpagdee, R. (2009) Fisheries and coastal governance as a wicked problem. Marine Policy 33: 553-560.
Jentoft S., T.C. van Son and M. Björkan (2007) Marine protected areas: a governing system analysis. Human Ecology 35:611–622.
Jentoft S., M. Bavinck, D. S. Johnson, and K.T. Thomson (2009) Fisheries Co-Management and Legal Pluralism: How an Analytical Problem Becomes an Institutional One. Human Organization, Vol. 68, No. 1.
Jentoft, S., R. Chuenpagdee, A. Bundy, and R. Mahon (2010) Pyramids and roses: alternative images for the governance of fisheries systems. Marine Policy 34: 1315-1321.
Jentoft S., R. Chuenpagdee, and J.J. Pascual-Fernandez (2010) What are MPAs for? On goal formation and displacement. Ocean and Coastal Management doi: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2010.10.024
Johnson, D. (2010) Institutional adaptation as a governability problem in fisheries: patron-client relations in the Junagadh fishery, India. Fish and Fisheries 11: 264-277.
Kooiman J. et al. (2008) Interactive governance and Governability: an introduction. The Journal of Transdisciplinary Environmental Studies. Vol. 7 no. 1.
Kooiman J. (2008) Governability of Aquatic Resources: conceptual exploration and applications. The Journal of Transdisciplinary Environmental Studies. Vol. 7 no. 1.
Kooiman J. (2008) Exploring the concept of Governability. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis. Vol. 10, No.2: 171- 190.
Kooiman J. and S. Jentoft (2009) Meta governance: values, norms and principles in the making of hard choices. Public Administration Vol 87
Mahon R. (2008) Assessing Governability of Fisheries Using the Interactive governance Approach: Preliminary Examples from the Caribbean. The Journal of Transdisciplinary Environmental Studies. Vol. 7 no.1
Mahon R., P. McConney, and R.N. Roy (2008) Governing fisheries as complex adaptive systems. Marine Policy 32: 104-112.
McGoodwin J. (2005) Review of the books Fish for Life: Interactive Fisheries and Interactive Fisheries and Interactive Fisheries Governance: a guide to better practice. Ocean and Coastal Management 50: 590-596.
Onyango, P., and S. Jentoft (2010) Assessing poverty in small-scale fisheries in Lake Victoria, Tanzania. Fish and Fisheries 11: 250-263.
Song, A.M., and R. Chuenpagdee (2010) Operationalizing governability: a case study of a Lake Malawi fishery. Fish and Fisheries 11: 235-249
Song, A.M., and R. Chuenpagdee (2011) Conservation principle: a normative imperative in addressing illegal fishing in Lake Malawi. Maritime Studies (MAST) 10(1), fortcoming
Sumaila, U.R., and M. Dominguez-Torreiro (2010) Discount factors and the performance of alternative fisheries governance systems. Fish and Fisheries 11: 278-287.
Symes, D. (2006) Fisheries governance: A coming of age for fisheries social science? Fisheries Research 81: 113-117.
Scholtens J. (2009) Accounting for context in fisheries management: assessing the governability of the Palk Bay trawler fisheries, South India. Master thesis for the University of Amsterdam.
Song A.M. (2009) Dealing with Uncertainty in Governance Outcomes: Illegal Fishing and Conservation in the Southeast Arm Fishery of Lake Malawi. Master thesis for the Memorial University of Newfoundland.
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