Name: Iris Monnereau
Current Position: Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Centre for Sustainable Management and Environmental Studies (CERMES) at the University of the West Indies in Barbados
Relevant publications:
- Monnereau, I and S. Abraham. Forthcoming. Limits to Autonomous Adaptation in response to Coastal Erosion in Kosrae, Micronesia.International Journal of Global Warming.
- Monnereau, I. (November 2012). ‘The Red Gold Rush. Comparing the impact of different governance arrangements and lobster chains on the wellbeing of lobster fishers in the Wider Caribbean’. PhD dissertation. University of Amsterdam
- Monnereau, I. and R. Pollnac. 2012. ‘Job Satisfaction among Caribbean Lobster Fishers: a Comparative Study of Nicaragua, Belize and Jamaica’. Social Indicators Research.
- Bavinck, M., R. Pollnac, and I. Monnereau. 2012. ‘Opening Remarks to the Special Issue of Job Satisfaction in the Global South’. Social Indicators Research.
- Pollnac, R, M. Bavinck, and I. Monnereau. 2012.‘Comparative paper on Job Satisfaction worldwide’. Social Indicators Research.
- Pollnac, R, I. Monnereau, J. Poggie, V. Ruiz, and A. Westwood. 2011. ‘Stress and the Occupation of Fishing’. In: Handbook of Stress in the Occupations. J.Langan-Fox & C.L. Cooper (eds).Edward Elgar Publishing
- Monnereau, I. and B. Helmsing. 2011. Local Embedding and Economic Crisis: Comparing Lobster Chains in Belize, Jamaica and Nicaragua. In (Eds. A.J. H. (Bert) Helmsing and SietzeVellema) Value Chains, Inclusion and Endogenous Development Contrasting Theories and Realities. Routhledge.
- Monnereau, I., V. Ruiz and R. Pollnac. 2010. ‘Fishers’ job satisfaction in the Caribbean’. Etudes Caribbennes Special issue entitled: Marine resources: state of the art, uses and management. 15: 1-19.
- Bavinck, M. and I. Monnereau. 2007. ‘Assessing the social costs of capture fisheries: an exploratory study’ Social Science Information 46 (1): 135-152
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